About Us


The CPSF is a non-profit corporation dedicated to developing and maintaining programs that are in the best interest of the Chadron Public Schools District and surrounding community.


The Foundation was organized to benefit the students of the Chadron public schools and to support the school staff and community members who work to advance educational programs in Chadron.

Programs We Sponsor

The CPSF sponsors:

  • Student Camp Scholarships for disciplines such as music, math and science.
  • Teacher Incentive Grants for innovative projects designed to enhance student learning.
  • College Scholarships based on financial need, leadership in both school and community, and academic excellence.


Gifts come from many sources:

  • Friends, alumni, current and former teachers, corporations, businesses, organization and civic groups.

Gifts are given in many forms:

  • Cash, checks, stocks, securities, bequests, remainder trusts, annuities, life insurance policies, real estate, and donations given to honor loved ones.
  • Donors may target funds for a specific program or they may contribute for general use

The Chadron Public Schools Foundation is a 501c organization.  All gifts are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Contact Us

Contact us by email, use chadronpublicschoolsfoundation@gmail.com


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